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Flat Pannel C-Arms

Allengers X Ray Machine HF 49 R

Product Description:



Features Allengers Litex series of Mobile X-Ray machines are based on HF X-Ray generation technology. These X-Ray machines are most suitable for applications where ease of mobility is required in trauma cases and bedside X-Rays in hospital wards ICU’s and can be taken through elevators with ease. The HF X-Ray generation technology used in these models offers the following advantages over the conventional 2 pulse technology.

Allengers X Ray Machine HF 49

Product Description:


Allengers Image Plus LDHD series of HF C-arms are specialized models with high frequency generators and high resolution monitors for optimum imaging results at low radiation (Almost close to zero leakage radiation in c arm machines).
Special Features:
DigiMEM-LDHD memory is having 32” monitor with split-screen mounted on an open sleek trolley.
Preset image parameters setting as per extremities, ortho, and uro procedures.
Emergency exposure mode.
Static beam collimator.

Siemens 5E

Product Description:


The MULTIMOBIL 5E is a value –focused C-arm IITV system suited for all Orthopedic studies and ICU utility. The user friendly memory device and clear image quality make it a very good value-to-feature C-arm system in many operation theatres. It is equipped with a High Frequency X-ray generator with powerful output parameters for Fluoroscopy or Radiography to cater to any type of patients.

Remotely controlled memory modules
Steering handles for free lateral movement in either direction
Automatic dose rate control

Siemens 5C

Product Description:


The mobile C-arm MULTIMOBIL 5C provides the optimum solution of today’s clinical requirements. It is ideally suited for entry level surgery in many application fields such as orthopedics, trauma surgery, general surgery.

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